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martedì 26 aprile 2016

«Forces Creating Instability in the Middle East».

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences (IsAG)
 has the honour to invite you to the lecture
 «Forces Creating Instability in the Middle East» 
by Anthony H. Cordesman,

 to be held on Friday, 29th April 2016, 9:40-11:00,
 at the European University of Rome,
 Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190, classroom DT04. 

The conference is jointly organized with the Euro-Gulf Information Center
 (EGIC) and in collaboration with the European University of Rome (UER).

Anthony H. Cordesman holds the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the
 Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. He has directed
 several studies on the US national security, asymmetric warfare, projection of 
critical infrastructures, energy, the Middle East. Previously he served as a consultant 
to the US Department of State and as director of intelligence assessment at
 the Department of Defense during both Iraq and Afghanistan wars. He also
 served as director of policy and planning for resource applications at the 
Department of Energy. He has had numerous foreign assignments as well—
including posts in Lebanon, Egypt, and Iran—and has worked extensively
 in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. He is a former adjunct professor of national 
security studies at Georgetown University, and has twice been a Wilson 
fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars at the Smithsonian.

Please click here to view the conference full programmepdf.

The lecture is admission free. Registration appreciated by the following online form: click.
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lunedì 18 aprile 2016

«The Great Rivalry. Great Powers, Politics & Strategy in the New Middle East»

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics and Auxiliary Sciences (IsAG) 
has the
 honour to invite you to the conference «The Great Rivalry. Great Powers, Politics & 
Strategy in the New Middle East», to be held on Thursday, 28th April 2016, 15:00-18:00, 
in the Refettorio Hall of the
 San Macuto Palace, Via del Seminario 76 – Rome, Chamber of Deputies. The conference
 is jointly organized with the Euro-Gulf Information Center (EGIC) and in collaboration 
with Hon. Renzo Carella, Member of the Parliament.

The Middle East is in turmoil and that turmoil is producing international tremors. Understanding the strategies deployed by the world’s major powers such as the US, China, Russia, and many in Europe,
 is therefore a priority. Spurred by a strange brew of self- and international interests, international interventions are simultaneously pressuring and empowering new strata of local and regional actors 
that will certainly shape the coming decades. This session navigates contemporary uncertainties and
 seeks clarity for what is at stake, levels of commitment and emerging and disintegrating alliances.

Confirmed speakers include: Anthony Cordesman, Center for Strategic and International Studies; 
Andrea Gilli, Metropolitan University Prague; Nikolay Kozhanov, Carnegie Moscow Centre; 
Michal Meidan, Chatham House; Valeria Ruggiu, IsAG.

Please click here to view the conference full programmepdf.

Pre-registration required by April 22nd through the following online form:
Collar and tie required for gentlemen. No food or beverage allowed.
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 - IsAG // cliccare

giovedì 14 aprile 2016

Corso di Alta Formazione


25 APRILE 2016


martedì 12 aprile 2016

Corso: Dal Peacekeeping al Peacebuilding:gestire i conflitti per costruire la pace. Bando e Scheda di Iscrizione

“Giuseppe Arcaroli ”

Anno Accademico 2015-2016

Enti promotori

La Scuola di aggiornamento e alta formazione “Giuseppe Arcaroli”, istituita dall’ANVCG - Associazione Nazionale Vittime Civili di Guerra Ente Morale (D.C.P.S. 19 gennaio 1947) e dall’ANRP  - Associazione Nazionale Reduci dalla Prigionia, dall’Internamento, dalla Guerra di Liberazione e loro familiari  (Ente Morale D.P.R. 30 maggio 1949), è rivolta in particolare alla trattazione dei temi relativi ai diritti umani e ai conflitti, al fine di esaminare le conseguenze di questi ultimi nei confronti degli stessi belligeranti, dei prigionieri o feriti e della popolazione civile, nonché allo scopo di sottolineare che  la  violazione dei diritti umani, sempre di più, accende la responsabilità penale dei singoli di fronte alla Comunità internazionale in quanto tale.
Il tratto distintivo della Scuola è la multidisciplinarietà, caratteristica che permette di approfondire la tematica dei diritti umani nelle sue varie sfaccettature e di promuovere, inoltre, l'insieme delle attività formative in linea con le attuali dinamiche, volte ad assicurare un pieno rispetto dei diritti e dei bisogni delle vittime dei conflitti armati, a ridurre mali superflui e sofferenze inutili, nonché a facilitare il processo di riconciliazione e pace.

Corso di alta formazione anno accademico 2015-2016

Dal Peacekeeping al Peacebuilding:
gestire i conflitti per costruire la pace

Documentazione scaricabile: